Designers know design. So does FLOR. And when you “know” design, you become part of this exclusive club of sorts. You know what’s hip and cool and what’s next. And because you're paid to sell new ideas, you want to keep up with what’s happening in the design world.

We knew if we could get designers to sing the praises of FLOR, their word of mouth would help grow FLOR's brand to the general public. So we created a Trade Only Program to invite inspired designers to become ambassadors for FLOR.

For FLOR’s Trade Only Program, we positioned the zeitgeist of the group by reminding current FLOR designers that they were part of something exclusive, and by compelling those designers not a part of the program to join. So JOIN IN it was. Using FLOR’s beautiful room shots, we created a print and web-based campaign of over 100 different integrated executions.

For those who bring dreams to life.
For those who reinvent.
For those who play for a living and work for fun.
For those who see what others don’t.
We invited them all to “JOIN IN.”

The lines spoke to the designers in a way that emotionally, they understood. With creativity and a knowing eye, designers bring spaces to life. They’re bold. They create. They see what others don’t. And they take risks.

Knowing (and seeing in print and on the web) how it feels to fearlessly design connected designers to the FLOR brand. Our JOIN IN campaign grew FLOR’s Trade Only Program by 4,300 qualified designers. When 30% of FLOR’s revenue comes from the Trade Only Program, that kind of growth in membership is significant for both bottom line and brand awareness.