For those who believe in Sacred Saturdays of Notre Dame Football and beer…lots of beer.

A simple idea can captivate the most unique—and in this case, the most die-hard—of audiences.

When we first developed the idea for an online, content-generated show, we thought about people’s passions. What do they do? Watch? Think about? Talk about? What has a following that was already zealous, completely obsessive, and absolutely fanatical?

Fanatical. Fan. Sports.

From there it was easy. With two loyal-to-a-fault Notre Dame fans already in the office, we were set. No gigantic brainstorm needed. Notre Dame football fanatics want any and all information they can get. And every post-game Wednesday since the 2008 season, we’ve delivered just that.

The Subway Alumni Show brings a unique perspective to the fans. No filters, (almost) no censorship. And they love it. With video views in the the thousands each episode, we’ve kept a steady dialogue with the fans on the site, through Twitter and Facebook, and, of course, at tailgates.

With the third and biggest season of the show wrapped, we’re already gearing up to deliver what the people want—Notre Dame football commentary with a few beers on the side. Go Irish.